What Is Scaling and Root Planing?

Here's what to expect when you turn to our Mt. Gilead, NC, family dentist, serving the Troy, NC, area, for gum disease treatment. 

Have you been diagnosed with gum disease? When you live in Troy, NC, and come in every six months for your cleanings, our Mt. Gilead, NC, dentist Dr. Johnny McKinnon, and his team don’t just check the health of your teeth, they also examine the health of your gums. Millions of Americans have some degree of gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and irreparable gum damage if left untreated. By turning to us for scaling and root planing we can prevent common gum disease complications from happening to you.

What is scaling and root planing? 

This procedure is like a deep cleaning for your teeth. After all, gum disease occurs when plaque builds up along and under the gums. When plaque isn’t removed through daily brushing and flossing, it will harden into tartar. Over time, this leads to gum inflammation and the development of bacteria-filled pockets between the gums and teeth.

One of the best ways to treat gum disease is through scaling and root planing, which removes plaque and tartar buildup along and under the gum line, as well as the roots of the teeth.

What happens during the scaling and root planing process? 

This non-surgical procedure is performed right here in the Troy, NC, area by our family dentist, Dr. McKinnon. First, a local anesthetic will be applied to the area to numb it. This procedure may be performed in just a single session, which can take 1-2 hours, or may be separated into two different treatment sessions. Once the area is numb, we will perform the scaling part of the process first.

During scaling, we will remove plaque from teeth and along the gumline. From there, we will move on to the root planing portion, which involves going under the gums to smooth the tooth roots to prevent plaque from building up. In some cases, our dental team may prescribe oral antibiotics to help speed up the healing process and prevent infection.

Who is a good candidate for scaling and root planing? 

Gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of gum disease, can be reversed through simple lifestyle changes including improving at-home oral care. However, once gingivitis progresses into periodontal disease the best way to treat this problem is with scaling and root planing. Most mild to moderate forms of periodontal disease can benefit from this non-surgical periodontal procedure.

If you are noticing gum swelling, tenderness, or bleeding these are all signs of gum disease. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms, or you simply need to visit our Mt. Gilead, NC, family dentist, serving the Troy, NC, area for your six-month checkup, call us today at (910) 439-9744 and let us know how we can help you.

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